Two hours and countless rewrites later, I’ve come to realise that the perfect introduction to this blog won’t come from meticulous wording, but from a natural flow of thoughts. So, here’s to starting this journey with candid honesty.

Firstly, allow me to introduce myself: I’m Matthew, a software developer with an almost-stereotypical love of coffee, a taste for expensive gadgets, and an ever-growing list of hobbies that have come and gone over the years.

The Digital Playground

Welcome to, my new digital playground. Here, I plan to share my technological adventures and thoughts. This blog is a space where I’ll discuss my latest tech fascinations, dissect coding projects, and explore various topics ranging from gadgets and home automation to professional development and learning in the tech industry.

Broadening Horizons

Cybersecurity has captured my attention for a number of years, but I’ve never given myself the time to fully delve into this field. The latest spur of enthusiasm came from a thought-provoking question from a career mentor about “where I see myself in five years”. It was a refreshing conversation, because they didn’t seem interested in the typical “career ladder” response. But a genuine introspection regarding my personal interests and ambitions.

Hacking and computer security has always piqued my interests. Most of my exposure has been in entertainment: from a young John Connor hacking ATMs in Terminator 2, to Elliot Alderson in Mr Robot. Penetration testing, social engineering, ethical hacking: it may not end up being as glamarous as in the movies - but nonetheless I’m determined to give this a shot.

The Journey Ahead

As aluded to above, my short term plans for the blog will see me diving into cybersecurity with various pieces of education and small projects. I expect cyber to be the general theme that develops over time, but I will also be talking about a range of other tech topics, geeky projects, and just about anything in the digital world that captivates me.

I’m excited to embark on this journey, and look forward to sharing it with you all.